(Mature Size: 17"T x 32"W)
- Medium sized mound of heavily twisted and rippled blue-green leaves.
- The rippled margins are also heavily serrated.
- Leaves emerge blue-grey in spring but quickly lose the glaucous coating.
- By early summer leaves are grey-green but you can see the white undersides because of all the twisting of the leaves.
- A mature clump could certainly remind you of the rough seas. Just try not to stare too long and get sea sick.
- Near white flowers with lavender stripes appear in late summer.
Why Should I Grow It? The nice blue color and the wavy serrated edges. Good grower.
(H. Hansen 2006)
Medium Hosta Cultivar
[Hybrid of H. 'Salute']
Color: Grey-Green
Size: 17 inches tall by 32 inches wide
Type: Medium Hosta
Product Size: 4.5 Inch Container